Why getting your CX right from the get-go really matters


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By Matthew Cheyne, Enterprise Director – Keyloop

Why getting your CX right from the get-go really matters

Are you struggling to keep up with all your customer enquiries? Then find out how automating and rapidly responding to leads can transform business.

Keyloop’s latest mystery shopping report showcases that retailers are leaving money on the dealership floor, by failing to respond to initial enquiries in a timely manner, or at all.

In an industry as dynamic as ours, retaining and keeping consumers demands a clear understanding of exceptional customer experiences (CX). At Keyloop we call this Experience-First, a blueprint to help dealers gain a 360-degree perspective of consumers to transform touchpoints, moving away from closing a sale to focusing on building long term relationships.

To help us keep track of trends, we undertake a multi-market mystery shopping survey every year. Our 2023 report, launched in February 2024, revealed a concerning trend when it comes to leads into a retailer. 55% of inbound leads received no response whatsoever, and those that did saw response times vary significantly across geographies, and between retailer and OEM lead sources. 

Of the Leads that did receive a response, one of the most significant findings is the contrast between OEM lead source response times and retailers’ own leads. In every country surveyed (except South Africa where 79% of retailers leads received no response) around a third of response times were 90 minutes or less for retailers’ own lead sources. Except for Norway and Spain, lead sources from OEMs were likely not to be responded to at all. 

You can find a chart showcasing the results across the 10 countries, inducing the UK, in our report here.

However, there is a silver lining. Retailers and OEMs utilizing Keyloop Leads achieved a 100% response rate with an average response time of just 28 minutes and giving the Management Team simple to use reporting tools. Clearly demonstrating the impact on CX and bottom line an effective lead management solution brings.

There is a choice of lead capture tools on the market, ranging from simple online forms to landing pages to automatic pop-ups. These are all useful for customer details – but what you need is a guaranteed follow-up that will immediately engage the customer and start their browsing and buying experience positively. If 75% of people looking to buy a car are willing to pay more for a better CX (Accenture 2024), why not start that right away?

Keyloop Leads ensures no inquiry goes unanswered. It integrates customer enquiries from over 300 online sources, including OEMs, and delivers them directly to your sales team. Additionally, Keyloop offers a suite of response tools allowing salespeople to connect with customers through their preferred channels and share videos, brochures, or photos.

Studies show that Keyloop Leads reduces response time by 8.5 hours and boosts customer engagement by up to 32%. If this sound like something you would like for your business, find out more or contact us via https://keyloop.com/contact




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