Porsche deliveries decline in first half


Porsche insisted it “sustained strong delivery figures” in the first half of 2022, “despite a number of challenges”, though sales fell 5% year on year to 145,860 vehicles.

“We…have successfully navigated a first half year shaped by external factors and uncertainties,” said sales and marketing chief Detlev von Platen. “In addition to the difficulties posed by the resurgence of the Covid pandemic in China and other markets, ongoing supply chain and logistics related challenges have accompanied us.”

Europeand deliveries rise 7% to 43,087 including domestic Germany sales up 5%.

China sales dropped 16% to 40,681 in a half with months-long lockdowns in some cities. The overall premium/luxury segment there was down 23% January through May)

Without proving comparisonas Porsche said it sold 62,245 vehicles in Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Middle East amd 32,529 in the US “despite being confronted with delivery and transit difficulties” [this likely include the loss of US bound cars in the Felicity Ace sinking in the first quarter – ed].

Porsche noted it had enjoyed a record first half in 2021.

The Cayenne, Macan and 911 were the most popular models in H1 2022.



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