Nio lays out charging and battery swap plans


Nio claims most owners in China will eventually live within 3km of a battery swap facility

Chinese EV startup Nio has unveiled a battery swap station deployment plan for China.

Nio Power provides charging and swapping services via its extensive network of battery swap and charging stations, power mobiles, and service teams.

It has built 301 swap stations, 204 charger stations and 382 destination charging stations in China and completed 2.9m swaps and 600,000 uses of ‘one-click-for-power ‘services.

Nio has raised its target of having over 700 instead of 500 battery swap stations installed by year end. From 2022 to 2025, it has commited to installing 600 new swap stations in China. By the end of 2025, it will have 4,000 battery swap stations worldwide with around 1,000 of those outside China. The charging and swapping system and BaaS (Battery-as-a-Service) will also be made available to the wider EV industry.

In 2025, 90% of users in China will live less than 3km (2 miles) from a battery swap station, the EV maker claimed.



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