Mini Vision Urbanaut Debuts As Digital Multifunctional EV Concept


If you thought a bus from Porsche was a weird thing, then prepare to be shocked. Mini has just unveiled a concept car that previews the direction in which mobility will evolve in the future, according to the British company. The Vision Urbanaut may be just a digital study yet but some of its ideas and space solutions could be expected in the upcoming production vehicles from the brand.

The virtual prototype takes the shape of a bubbly van with a “flush, virtually seamless surface.” The very short overhangs and wheels positioned at the outer corners of the body create somewhat weird overall proportions but the automaker says they form “a compact and agile appearance.”

The cabin follows the same mono-volume philosophy with the aim not only to provide comfortable space for traveling but also to be used as a living space once the journey is complete. Mini promises the interior can be transformed into a compact living space in “just a few steps” without going into further detail. When in travel mode, the cabin offers room for four passengers with rotatable front two seats.

Mini Vision Urbanaut
Mini Vision Urbanaut

The level of personalization is unlike anything you’ve seen before. Mini calls the concept’s three customization modes “Mini moments” and each one of them provides a different setup of fragrance, ambient lighting, music, and others. The different modes wear different names – Chill, Wanderlust, and Vibe, and are activated by the so-called Mini Tokens, which are fully configurable.

Mini envisions the Vision Urbanaut as a vehicle for shared mobility. For example, a whole family can access it using smart devices. “The Mini brand has always stood for ‘Clever Use of Space’. In the Mini Vision Urbanaut, we extend private space far into the public realm, creating completely new and enriching experiences,” adds Adrian van Hooydonk, design boss at BMW Group.

The company doesn’t reveal the exact specifications of the powertrain and just says it’s purely electric. The zero-emission powertrain comes in combination with advanced autonomous functions.

Needless to say, this is a concept with no actual plans for production. It’s not even real yet as what you see are computer-generated images.



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