Lexus 2021 sales top 2020’s


Lexus global sales for calendar 2021 were 760,012 units (106% compared with 2020), showing a recovery trend.

On a regional level, North America achieved approximately 332,000 units (112% compared to the previous year), and China achieved a record high of approximately 227,000 units (101%).

Sales of electrified vehicles reached a record high of approximately 260,000 units (110% year-on-year) thanks to strong sales of ES, RX and UX hybrid models.

Lexus aims to achieve a full line of BEVs in all segments by 2030, 100% BEV sales in Europe, North America, and China, and 1m sold globally. It is also aiming for 100% BEVs globally by 2035.

Other market results were Europe, 72,000 units (102% compared to prev. year), Japan 51,000 units (104%), Middle East 28,000 units (103%) and East Asia 30,000 units (95%).

Lexus international president and chief branding officer, Koji Sato said in a statement: “Despite the continuing impact of the spread of the COVID-19 and the tight parts supply chain, we were able to recover sales to a record level in 2021.”



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