How AM Live 2021 reunited car retail sector


Car retailers and industry suppliers hailed the return of Automotive Management Live as “a great success” after crowds returned to the NEC to meet-up in-person.

Exhibitors, speakers and visitors took to social media to celebrate the return o the event in physical form after its temporary transformation into a virtual offering due to 2020’s COVID-19 restrictions.

AM News and features editor, Tom Sharpe, said: “It was a fantastic day. There was such a buzz of activity around the hall it was clear that everyone was thrilled to be back.

“After such a long period of very limited networking it was great to be able to meet-up with so many familiar faces and start forging new relationships again.”

At an event marked out by packed theatre presentations and busy stands, Sound Marketing took no time getting round the show as they took a whistle-stop tour on their Twitter account.

Marketing Delivery managing director Jeremy Evans snapped a selfie with Facebook’s Anita Fox to show-off the crowds assembled for their presentation.

A and after the National Franchised Dealer’s Association (NFDA) took time to discuss the impact of EVs and block exemption – the subject of its recent consultation responses to the Competition and Market’s Authority – representatives too time out to recognise what had been a “great day”.

NFDA tweet about the day at AM Live 2021




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