GM to supply fuel cell cubes to Navistar | Automotive Industry News


General Motors Hydrotec fuel cell power cubes provide more than 80 kW of quiet, efficient power and can be arrayed 2-3 units per vehicle to achieve higher power ratings.

General Motors’ Hydrotec fuel cell power cubes provide more than 80 kW of quiet, efficient power and can be arrayed 2-3 units per vehicle to achieve higher power ratings.

General Motors said on Wednesday it would supply its Hydrotec fuel cell power cubes to heavy truck maker Navistar for use in its production model fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) – the International RHTM Series.

Navistar’s FCEV will get energy from two GM Hydrotec fuel cell power cubes.

Each Hydrotec power cube contains 300-plus hydrogen fuel cells along with thermal and power management systems. The power cubes are compact and easy to package and can be used in a wide range of applications, including marine, earth-moving and mining equipment, locomotives and power generators.



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