CLEPA hosts green mobility round table


European automotive supplier association, CLEPA, has held a round table on the green transformation, discussing the impact of available policy instruments on the employment and manufacturing footprint in Europe, with representatives from academia, workers associations, mobility-technology industry and government.

Among the participants were Sigmar Gabriel, former Vice-Chancellor of Germany, Renate Köcher, CEO of IfD Allensbach, José María López from the Technical University of Madrid, Uwe Cantner, from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and advisor to the German government and Bernhard Geringer from the Technical University of Vienna.

Also present were Judith Kirton-Darling, deputy secretary-general of IndustriAll Europe, Sigrid de Vries, secretary general of CLEPA and several automotive supplier executives from Austria, Germany, Italy and Spain.

The focus of the event was to analyse the ramifications of the transformation and to discuss the expectations of the various stakeholders. CLEPA also presented a supplier-specific study currently being conducted through management consultancy firm, PWC Strategy.

“Politics have to make sure that the socio-economic-ecological triangle is kept in a good balance,” said Gabriel. “Special attention has to be paid to the supplier industry, which consists of many small and mid-size companies that are essential to the strength and well-being of our regions.”

For  his part, Köcher added: “In order to make this transformation a success, we have to make sure that we listen carefully to the consumer perspective. According to our latest mobility report 2020, 59% of consumers have still doubts whether the electric car is a good alternative from an environmental point of view, the trend is showing upwards, in the previous year, only 48% had these doubts.”

CLEPA secretary general, Sigrid de Vries noted: “Can Europe afford to give up on a competitive technology that will power mobility outside our cities for a long time to come, and that can be clean and climate neutral with renewable fuels and green hydrogen?

“To reach the climate targets and secure jobs and manufacturing in Europe, automotive suppliers advocate a technology open strategy, combining rapid electrification with sustainable combustion engine solutions.”

Green Deal must balance social, environmental and economic objectives and ramifications



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