Auto Trader rewards ‘best in automotive retail’ with Highly Rated 2021


Auto Trader has issued car retailers which exemplify the “very best in automotive retail” with assets celebrating accreditation under its Highly Rated 2021 programme.

It said that dealers consistently highly rated by customers on the Auto Trader platform will be receiving stickers and digital logos to promote their excellence across their physical and digital showrooms.

Retailers meeting the criteria will also have a Highly Rated logo added to their Auto Trader profile page and Retailer Store for maximum visibility.    

Auto Trader’s group sales director, Darren Moon, said: “We employ a strict criteria for our Highly Rated accreditation to ensure those that receive it represent the very best in automotive retail.

“Even prior to COVID-19 meeting it was an achievement, but to do so under the current challenges is even more impressive.

“We have been blown away by the industry’s ability to adapt so successfully by embracing online retailing to enhance the customer experience.

“It’s a huge privilege therefore to recognise and celebrate those retailers who are going above and beyond to provide their customers with such an exceptional level of service.”

Retailers who qualified for the accreditation have consistently delivered the following over the past 12 months, Auto Trader said:

  •  A high volume of recent reviews on Auto Trader
  • A high overall review rating on Auto Trader
  • Regular engagement with customer reviews by replying to them

Highly Rated retailers who photos of their Auto Trader Highly Rated 2021 sticker on display in their dealership have the chance to win a prize and have their post shared with over 400,000 Auto Trader followers across social media.

To qualify, retailers must publish a post between July 12 and Sunday August 1 and tag one of the Auto Trader Insight accounts on Twitter (@ATInsight), LinkedIn (Auto Trader Insight) or on Instagram (@autotraderinsight), along with the hashtag #ATHighlyRated2021.



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