Antolin and Zonair3D ink deal for Air Move+ air purification


Grupo Antolin and Zonair3D, have signed a deal for Air Move+ air purification solution marketing as an aftermarket product for vehicles already in circulation.

Zonair3D will be in charge of the worldwide distribution of the new system.

“Our commitment to providing pure air in enclosed spaces, such as vehicles, is already a reality thanks to Grupo Antolin,” said Zonair3D CEO and founder, Xavier Trillo.

“Just a few months ago we provided 4,000 air purifiers to schools in the Valencian Region. Another important new feature is the incorporation of the CSIC [Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas nanofiber fabric exclusively in our purifiers and we became official distributors of their masks.

For his part, Grupo Antolin, chairman, Ernesto Antolin, added: “Thanks to this partnership, we are advancing our goal of delivering innovative solutions that improve the healthiness, safety and comfort of car interiors.

“As part of our clean interiors project, we are researching different technologies and working with various partners to turn the car into a clean space that takes care of our health. We want passengers to feel as safe in the car as they do in their homes, keeping in mind we spend almost five years of our lives inside a vehicle.”

Air Move+ is a purification solution designed to be installed in vehicles in order to prevent diseases related to the inhalation of contaminants, VOCs, particles and other pathogens. Placed inside the vehicle, it allows pure air to be continuously recirculated.

The air purification solution will be offered for all types of private and professional vehicles, such as passenger cars, vans, trucks and public transport. In addition, the Zonair3D system incorporates in the last filtration stage, a fabric made of nanofibres developed by the Spanish National Research Council.

This layer forms a network of microscopic fibres, which inactivate viruses and bacteria.



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