Tesla Megapack fire spotlights battery safety challenges

Tesla Megapack fire spotlights battery safety challenges | Automotive World

A breakout at a huge energy storage facility suggests that challenges remain for the electric vehicle (EV) sector, writes Freddie Holmes

A lithium-ion battery fire in Australia has resurfaced discussions around the risks associated with electric vehicle (EV) batteries. The situation relates to a huge installation of Tesla batteries which were being used for renewable energy storage near Melbourne, Victoria.

The fire erupted during a test procedure and engulfed the shipping container in which battery packs were stored. The container helped to prevent the fire from spreading to surrounding installations just metres away. Reports indicate that some 150 firefighters were called to tackle the blaze over three days, and local authorities remain unsure as to the root cause. While the event does not directly involve EVs, it does have implications for the EV sector which has already faced numerous lithium-ion battery fires over the years.

The installation is part of a huge renewable energy storage project

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