Register to hear 2020 review and FCA rules debate – AM webinar

The quarterly AM Motor Retail Review webinar on January 7 will discuss 2020’s car market outcome, the looming FCA motor finance rules revision and the aftermath of Brexit.

Free registration is now open to watch the webinar live at 2pm on January 7, or on-demand afterwards

Held within hours of the year-end new car registrations being published, this free 45-minute webinar will discuss the prospects for 2021 plus the UK motor retail industry’s achievements in the final quarter of 2020 , including:

• Year-end new car and van registrations results.
• Industry reaction to the Brexit saga and January’s implementation of revised motor finance rules.
• The expectations for 2021 and the key steps in a strategy for success.

Chaired by AM editor Tim Rose, he will be joined by senior executives from the motor retail industry, who’ll share their own experiences and learnings from Q4 2020 and outline some ways dealers can get a strong start to 2021.

Rose said: “I’m sure many are keen to leave 2020 behind. Yet despite all the challenges UK motor retail has closed the year strongly, and there are learnings to be had that can be used in 2021 as the car markets continue to recover.

“I hope you’ll join us for what is always a fascinating, insightful discussion.”

You can view past AM Motor Retail Review webinars here.



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