Next-generation rail and truck corridor to reshape freight movement

Next-generation rail and truck corridor to reshape freight movement | Automotive World

Work is underway to create a network of next-gen logistics centres designed for automated freight movement and zero-emission trucks. By Megan Lampinen

The trucking sector faces its share of headwinds but in the Western US, it has been particularly hard going of late. Imports from Asia into the ports along the West Coast have been booming and earlier this year caused a bottleneck at key ports. In February, the California ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which serve as gateways for goods from Asia, reported a 45% jump in the volume of containers handled. In March that figure stood at 80%. Much of this cargo will then make its way onto trucks for delivery across the country. Due to the port congestion these trucks face long waits in traffic—some may sit waiting for most of the day. That’s not good for business or air quality.

“Cargo volumes are only growing, but the highways are not expanding,” says Adam Wasserman, Managing Partner at Global Logistics Development Partners, GLDPartners Mobility Solutions. “At the same time, the truck driver challenges aren’t going to get easier.”

GLDPartners specialises in supply chain strategy, looking particularly at strategic seaport, inland port and airport logistics assets. Its Mobility Solutions unit focuses on cargo mobility, infrastructure project development, mobility sector economic development strategies and regional mobility strategies. It believes a new take on transport hubs could reshape freight movement for the benefit of the economy, local residents and shipping companies.

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