Navistar appoints Mathias Carlbaum as new CEO

Navistar has appointed Mathias Carlbaum as new CEO and president of Navistar International, effective 1 September, 2021.

He will succeed Persio Lisboa, who has held the position since July, 2020.

In his 35 year-long tenure with the company and particularly in his recent roles as COO and CEO, Persio Lisboa was instrumental in returning Navistar to profitability and launching and executing the Navistar 4.0 strategy.

After a short transition phase, Lisboa will retire.

Until the end of March, 2021, Carlbaum was EVP Commercial Operations at Scania CV. After a long management career at Scania, he has extensive experience in sales and international markets.

Since April, 2021, he has been leading the post-merger management of Navistar on behalf of the Traton Group.

“Mathias Carlbaum is an internationally experienced manager with the right skills and mindset to lead Navistar into this new era as part of Traton Group,” said Traton CEO and member of the Navistar board, Matthias Gründler.

“A great thanks goes to Persio Lisboa for his great support before, during and after the merger.”

Since September, 2016, Traton and Navistar have benefited from an alliance which has generated added value for both companies due to higher purchasing power and the integration of new technologies.

At the start of 2020, Traton submitted an initial offer to acquire all the ordinary shares in Navistar. A binding merger agreement was signed in November, 2020.

The merger was closed on 1 July, 2021.



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