Gefco tests ProovStation’s AI-powered portal

Gefco has launched a one-year pilot test of the automated vehicle inspection portal developed by ProovStation, a Lyon-based start-up specialising in artificial intelligence-powered automotive damage scanners.

The portal is designed to optimise bodywork inspections and speed up deliveries of vehicles from the assembly line.

The ProovStation portal was installed at Gefco’s automotive logistics platform in Marly-la-Ville, near Paris, in May. At the facility, Gefco carries out quality inspection and customisation operations on mainly brand-new vehicles before they are stored in the compound and delivered.

Installed in the vehicle reception area of the logistics compound, the ProovStation portal scans incoming flows with the aim of more accurately identifying any damage to bodywork and speeding up inspections. Designed with optical technology for automotive professionals, the portal performs a 360° scan of each vehicle at a speed of up to 15 km/h, enabling large flows to be handled in a limited time.

Through the test, Gefco will assess the portal’s detection capacity in real conditions and confirm its effectiveness.

“We operate in a constantly changing environment,” said Gefco Compound & Workshop Business Line manager, Amar Sehad.

“Consumers want to receive their vehicles quickly and every improvement in our processes helps us meet their new needs more effectively. This is why we’re testing and adopting technologies, like the ProovStation portal, which create value for our car manufacturer clients and their end-customers.”

Technology based on artificial intelligence:

The ProovStation portal captures 1,000 images of the vehicle in three seconds to detect any damage with millimetre accuracy. The system is based on artificial intelligence, with an algorithm chain that identifies, quantifies and locates all the damage present on the images in less than a minute.

The data collected, as well as the results, are time-stamped, geolocated and secured, enabling the vehicles to be traced throughout the supply chain.

“We’re excited to be collaborating with Gefco on exploring this new technology to optimise the quality and efficiency of the inspection process for Gefco’s customers,” added ProovStation CEO, Cédric Bernard.

“We’re confident this pilot will bring the expected value and allow us to pursue this partnership, which is an important step in our development.”



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