Canadians Have A Real Moose-Licking-Cars Problem Going On

By now, it’s safe to say that a lot of us are familiar with the so-called moose test. The assessment, which measures a vehicle’s ability to do evasive maneuvers safely in case a moose suddenly appears on the road, has seen several cars succeed and fail.

However, Canada has a different kind of moose problem that doesn’t involve a vehicle’s safety systems, but more on the one behind the wheel.


CNN reports that officials in Jasper, a town in Alberta province, have put up signs reminding road users to not let moose lick their cars. The embedded tweet above is the perfect example of those signs, which read “Do not let moose lick your car.”

As straightforward as the signage sounds, the emergence of the moose problem came from the moose’s liking to salt. According to Jasper National Park spokesman Steve Young, moose are obsessed with salt, and while they usually get them from salt lakes in the park, they somehow discovered that they can also get them from road salt that splashed onto vehicles.

The problem with moose getting familiar with cars is that they will be accustomed to being around cars, which could lead to road accidents when more animals adopt the habit. Avoiding them could send a signal that they’re not welcome to mix with people, basically telling them to keep their salt breaks away from cars.

Young also pointed out that while other animals will run away with the sight of people, moose often stand their ground and charge if they feel threatened, which is another risk not worth taking. He also noted that wildlife interaction, which includes feeding, enticing, and disturbing moose, could warrant fines of up to $25,000.



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