Brussels Airport accelerates transition to green mobility

Brussels Airport says it is accelerating the electrification of its fleet, while also encouraging alternative means of transport, in line with its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

For some time, Brussels Airport has been working on its green mobility credentials for passengers and staff, with initiatives ranging from electric buses to CNG vehicles and electric charging stations.

Since 2018, the Brussels Airport fleet has included 30 electric buses, as well as cars running on CNG. The airport is also testing, with its partners, handling equipment which runs on electricity and hydrogen.

“Our new mobility policy fits in with our sustainability policy and our ambition to become a net zero carbon organisation, that is, bringing our use of fossil fuels down to zero and, consequently, of cutting our carbon emissions to zero as well,” said Brussels Airport CEO, Arnaud Feist.

“One way of doing so is to adapt our company car fleet, the aim being to reduce the number of company cars by promoting a combination of working from home, cycling and public transport for all our employees, including those who do not drive a company car, but also to change our car fleet.

“That means that, if we use a car, we want to do so without emitting carbon. That is why, from January, 2022, we will only be purchasing electric company cars with the possibility of bike/car and public transport/car combinations.”

Employees of Brussels Airport can opt for several alternatives to the car, which can be combined or not, such as public transport, bicycles, shared solutions (shared cars, shared bicycles, et cetera) or a cash alternative. The decision has also been taken to switch to electric cars to replace the company car fleet.

While a number of these cars are already electric or hybrid, from 2022 onwards, all new company cars will be fully electric, with a target of achieving an all-electric  fleet by the end of 2025.

According to new Belgian regulations, companies will be obliged to switch to electric vehicles for their new fleet from 2026 onwards. In concrete terms, first car orders will be placed in January, 2022 and will be accompanied by home charging solutions.

Brussels Airport will also install additional fast charging stations in its car park.

The complete electrification of the fleet, which will be effective by the end of 2025, will save almost 1,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, maintains the airport.



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