Automotive 30% Cub announce 2024 award winners

The outstanding female talent within the automotive industry has been saluted in The Automotive 30% Club’s Inspiring Automotive Women Awards.

It said the winners are all brilliant women who are lifting other women as they rise through the ranks, are instrumental in creating inclusive cultures in their organisations and are personally acting to encourage other women to join the sector. 

Founded in 2016 by Julia Muir CEO of Gaia Innovation, the Automotive 30% Club is a network of 70 automotive CEOs and MDs who are inclusive leaders increasing female representation in their organisations to reap the benefits of a gender-balanced business.

They are collaborating to accelerate the pace of change across the sector, and to achieve at least 30% of key leadership or decision-making roles to be filled with diverse women by 2030 through the “30 by 30” strategy. The partner sponsor of the Automotive 30% Club is The IMI.

It said this year’s winners are role model pioneers who are “the first female” in the job; trailblazers succeeding in roles traditionally occupied by men; women who are lifting others as they rise through mentoring, coaching, and supporting EDI networks; rising stars who have achieved great things and influenced others early in their careers; and women who are motivating the next generation of female students to aspire to automotive careers.

“We are proud that these women represent so many different companies, and are from such a wide range of roles across the sector,” said Automotive 30% Club.

New for this year, nominations were made through the “Inspiring Automotive Women – Who Inspires You?” LinkedIn campaign that ran in July, and was sponsored by Jardine Motors Group. This open and democratic way to show public appreciation for colleagues resulted in a record-breaking 494 nominations for the awards, from companies within and beyond the Club members.

The Inspiring Automotive Women 2024 Award Winners are:

Julia Muir, founder of the Automotive 30% Club said: “Congratulations to all our Inspiring Automotive Women Award Winners. They are working hard above and beyond their day jobs to ensure that the automotive industry is a place where women of all profiles can thrive. It is fabulous to see so many fantastic women inspiring their colleagues to build inclusive businesses. “

The winners will gather on March 13 in a private ceremony at The IMI Annual Awards Dinner. Their names will also be put forward as a shortlist to The IMI Awards Judges, who will select the overall Inspiring Automotive Woman of The Year Award Winner.





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