AM Live Virtual automotive event moves to January

The latest lockdown has driven AM to move our 2020 Automotive Management Live Virtual event back seven weeks from December 2-3 to a new date of January 20 and 21 in the new year

The online virtual exhibition for dealers and OEMs, with more than 18 expert presenters plus online exhibits from motor retail industry suppliers, was planned to start on December 2, a date which the UK Government has since picked as the end date of England’s second lockdown.

So to avoid the clash at a point when motor retailers will be gearing up to unlock their showroom doors again, Automotive Management Live Virtual will now take place on January 20-21, and its content will remain accessible to registered attendees for four weeks afterwards.

Delegates who have already registered for the event will have their registration automatically carried across to the new date.

Tim Rose, editor of AM, said: “With the latest lockdown causing more uncertainty for England’s motor retailers, and other measures continuing to impact the other parts of the UK, we quickly consulted the dealer group executives on our advisory board and decided to err on the side of caution rather than clash with the December 2nd end of ‘lockdown 2’.

“Moving AM Live Virtual to January will ensure we can help motor retailers get 2021 off to a great, positive start with a huge host of valuable insights and operational tips from our expert speakers.

“I hope you’ll join us at AM Live Virtual in January – there’s a whole new year of opportunities ahead!”

Registration is free to any UK dealers and OEMs – click here to find out more and register.



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