Advertisement feature: Turn The Great Resignation into The Great Retention

Advertisement feature from Car Benefit Solutions


With one-in-four workers actively planning to change their job in the next three to six months1, focusing on how to retain employees and attract the best talent is critical for businesses in 2022.

In the last 12 months, vacancies in the motor trade have increased by 200%. As of December 2021 there were over 18,000 jobs available2. With so many job vacancies, employees can handpick the role that’s right for them. 50% of staff would give up more salary for benefits3, demonstrating that businesses need to prioritise the entire job package.

It’s vital to list your full benefits package as part of the job description (and on your website too), to attract the best candidates. 78% of employees said benefits are extremely important when making a decision to accept a new job4.

How can your group create a strategy for success?

It’s no secret in the automotive world that employees move around, so it’s understandable that rewards and benefits are at an all-time high priority for dealerships. Leading from the front and being the employer of choice could be the difference between you retaining or losing your staff.

Car Benefit Solutions (CBS) have created a free guide to help you get ahead of your competitors, which lists three ways to deliver a rock-solid employee retention strategy:

1. Provide benefits to your employees to make them feel valued, rewarded and motivated.
Losing your staff can cost the business heavily both financially and in resources.

2. Retain your staff without increasing business costs.
Flexible and dynamic benefits can offer a cost-effective equivalent to a pay rise.

3. Recruit new talent with an attractive remuneration package.
Candidates are no longer attracted to a job role for the salary alone.

Download your free guide today

Boost your employee benefits package
Your overall HR strategy will comprise many elements including personal development, physical and mental wellbeing along with the opportunity to be involved in charity work, however, a car benefit is of high value to many employees. While offering a car as an employee benefit is difficult at present with the current stock restrictions, you can use your time now to review and plan your benefits ready for when stock is available to your business.

Give your business the best chance of retaining your most valued staff, and recruit new top talent to drive your business forward in 2022. From the level of benefit for each individual, through to the vehicles available; using a CBS car scheme, you are in full control. You can rest assured that planning your car benefit for a successful 2022, need not be labour intensive.

To learn more about how to become the employer of choice, download our free guide today or contact us to discuss how a CBS car scheme could improve your current car benefit.


  1.  Attracting and Retaining Talent 2021 by global leading recruitment agency, Randstad UK.
  2. Office of National Statistics report VACS02, recovered in December 2021.
  3. Research from MetLife’s Re:Me report, The Importance of Individualism in a Changing World.
  4. 2021 Workplace Wellness Survey by Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).




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