Advertisement feature: Rhino Events appoints Harry Boardman as Managing Director

Advertisement feature from Rhino

Harry will spearhead Rhino’s events business as they address the challenges posed in the rapid changes in the automotive sector and the need to increase clients’ EV sales and awareness across the industry.

Harry Boardman – Managing Director “In Q1 2024, we held nearly 400 sales events across the UK alone, generating over 21,000 appointments and resulting in the sale of over 9,000 vehicles. We work extremely closely with each of our clients to run national Sales Events for OEM’s,  Dealer Group, and Car Supermarket, all aiming to help sell stock and generate orders towards those all important targets.”

“Rhino are well known for sales events such as VIP & Golden Ticket, but they only represent a small part of our event portfolio and we work closely with our clients to create bespoke events that truly reflect the brand we represent. 

“Our objectives are simple. We support our clients to sell volume, reduce stock, create awareness and provide an outstanding customer experience”.

“We have a proven process over thousands of events and 25 years on, we’re still improving and refining every element of what we do, ensuring we capture your customers’ attention and bring them to your showroom, ready to make a purchase on the day. This is why 66% of all customer appointments purchase a vehicle during the event.”

“£134 cost per sale! It’s not every day you see a return on investment as impressive as that. This is our average return on investment from sales events in 2024 so far. If you are planning an event, please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the team; we are always happy to help.”

Get in touch with the team at to book your event in today. 



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