2022 outlook – Q&A with Vitesco Technologies

Thomas Stierle

JA: 2021 was another memorable year for everyone and for all sorts of reasons. We had a bumpy recovery from the worst of the Covid pandemic, but the automotive industry was also hammered by a shortage of semiconductor parts. In your business, what stand out as the biggest challenges you faced this year?

TS: Yes, first Corona Pandemic and then its aftermath with supply disruptions.

The spin-off from Continental on September 16, with the advantages of being able to react more flexibly and quickly to market changes. Preparing the company for this important step, setting it up as a stand-alone stock corporation, convince analysts and investors and at the same time driving forward the transformation from the combustion engine to electromobility and all this in the Corona aftermath was the biggest challenge. I strongly believe, Vitesco Technologies and its 40000 employees have done this very very well.

JA: Any high spots or particular successes you’d like to share?

TS: In the end, we made it and Vitesco Technologies (VT) is a major player in the field of electrified drivetrain technologies. Today, VT supplies key technologies in the field of electromobility efficiently in large-scale production and our electrification share is already significant and growing in all areas. I am really proud to be part of this company, having the opportunity to drive things forward and leading the transformation to success.

For me the highlight is clearly our order intake in the electrification area in this year. To mention some examples: VT is going to supply its first 800-volt inverter with silicon carbide technology in significant quantities for the new electric vehicle platform of the Hyundai Motor Group, or our great achievements with our integrated axle drive – requested from customers worldwide, e.g. Dongfeng, Hyundai, PSA.

JA: How are you feeling about 2022 – both in terms of business prospects and more generally?

TS: Despite all the global market challenges, 2021 was a successful year for VT. It gives us the tailwind for the execution of our future strategy, means electromobility will remain a long-term trend despite all the short-term market challenges. VT is well positioned, and is continuing unwaveringly on this course, which is also confirmed by the end user behavior and legislation aspects. 2022 will be an important year for us, we must continue to drive forward our customer projects, and also new milestones await us as a stock company, such as our annual Capital Market Days, press conferences and annual shareholder meetings. I am very optimistic about 2022 and looking forward to see it coming.

JA: Is anything emerging as a particular concern in terms of the outlook?

TS: I can imagine the Covid pandemic and semiconductor shortage are issues, which will continue to keep us busy.

JA: Do you have a message for Just Auto’s readers?

TS: What I have learned: it is important to be open to changes and to actively go along with it – with a strong focus on sustainability with whatever we do. Therefore, the Future is Electric and it has already started! Finally, everyone stay healthy!



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