Advertisement feature: Supporting your customers on the journey to net zero


Advertisement feature from Black Horse

Thoughts from Tim Smith, Head of Motor Finance, Black Horse

Sustainability. It’s the topic dominating the motor industry right now – and probably most other industries. Wherever you go, whoever you talk to, the drive to be green is on everyone’s agenda. At Black Horse, it runs through everything we do.

As part of Lloyds Banking Group, we’re committed to driving down emissions and creating more sustainable environments, not only for us, but also for the businesses and individuals we support. We’re committed to reducing the carbon emissions we finance to net zero by 2050 or sooner.  

“As the UK’s market leader in automotive funding, supporting this transition is central to our vision, helping motorists and businesses make the switch to electric in a way and at a time that’s right for them.”                                                                Nick Williams, Managing Director Transport, Lloyds Banking Group

So as we go into 2023, we’re thinking about all the ways we can help dealers support their customers to drive sustainably. To embrace electric vehicles (EV) ­– and make the whole process of buying a car as simple and as green as it can be. And there are three ways we’re doing that:

GWM ORA UK partnership

We’ve partnered with pure electric vehicle brand, GWM ORA, to help provide funding solutions for customers across the UK as the brand rolls out its first product, ORA Funky Cat. With more exciting variants and models due to launch soon, UK customers will have more choice when considering their next vehicle purchase.              

SignIt Anywhere

This essential tool lets dealers offer a seamless and flexible sales journey to customers. Credit agreements can be signed anywhere, at any time, through our safe and secure online customer portal. And that all adds up to less paper, less printing – and less need for travel.

Green Driving Hub

If your customers are still unsure whether an EV is the right choice, this could help support your conversation with them. The hub is packed with useful information and tips about the practicalities and benefits of sustainable driving. It’s also where they can discover more about how Black Horse has teamed up with iOffset. The partnership gives drivers a helping hand in reducing the carbon emissions of their vehicle and helps them work towards making each car journey greener and kinder to the environment.

At Black Horse, we’re doing all we can to help dealers and their customers take small steps towards a more sustainable future. Join us as we make the journey towards net zero.

Ready to help drive a greener future for your customers? Find out how you can do that here.



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