Welcome To Rage Yard, Where Cars Become Destruction Therapy


It’s no surprise, 2020 has been a year to forget. Forced to stay inside, there’s only so much we can do to maintain our sanity; go out for a walk, reorganize your cupboard, or consume all that modern streaming services have to offer. But what if you had the chance to use a tank to level old cars, and guns to shoot whatever vehicle you please? Thanks to the Rage Yard, that dream can be a reality. 

Known as destruction therapy, this is nothing new, but nobody has thought to offer it at quite this scale before. You’ve most likely heard of a rage room, but the decimation opportunities you can expect from the Rage Yard are unparalleled in comparison.

The venue sells the experience as a two-part therapy extravaganza. The first activity involves shooting at cars with shotguns. Regardless of what has you feeling some type of way, take aim at your car of choice and let it rip. Sure, that might sound incredibly satisfying, but the real party piece comes after the appetizer. 

Part two involves one member of your destruction party feeling the grunt of a 56 tonne (123,459 pound) Chieftain battle tank – the same model as seen in Fast and Furious 6 – rolling over the automotive scrap of yesteryear. We’d wager you’d be hard-pressed to find a better way to rid yourself of pent up 2020 frustrations – until they grant you access to properly fire up the tank-gun.

Unfortunately, this experience is only located in the United Kingdom, but there is a U.S. alternative known as Drive A Tank. For the uninitiated, you’ll first receive instruction on how to safely operate a tank, along with add-on packages granting you access to driving through a house, driving over a car, or even driving over two cars.

Regardless of which experience takes your fancy, there has never been a better moment in time for some alternative self-care.



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