Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Q3 2022/23 results


MMC reported a 23% increase in revenue for its fiscal third quarter, boosted by improvements in wholesale volumes, a richer sales mix and favourable pricing. By Jonty Storey

MMC reported a 23% increase in revenue for its fiscal third quarter to ¥647bn (US$4.94bn), helped by a 1.1% rise in wholesale volumes, a richer sales mix and favourable pricing.

MMC Q3 & 9-month 22/23 (% change y-o-y)

Operating profit rose 125% to ¥69.1bn, a margin of 10.7%, up 3.4 points from the year-ago figure. The ¥38.4bn net rise in profit reflected ¥30.6bn in exchange rates; ¥11.7bn from sales mix and price; ¥10.4bn in procurement cost reductions; ¥7.3bn from lower sales expenses; ¥3.5bn from volume; ¥(29.4)bn in raw material, factory expenses and shipping costs; ¥(3.4)bn from higher R&D; and ¥7.7bn in other areas.

MMC operating margin (%)

MMC results

Mitsubishi Motors Unit 9Mo-22/23 Q3-22/23 H1-22/23 Q2-22/23 Q1-22/23
Group   Data % Data % Data % Data % Data %
Revenue ¥ bn 1,805.3 27.5 647.1 23.1 1,158.2 30.1 629.5 37.3 528.7 22.4
Operating profit ¥ bn 153.7 175 69.1 125 84.6 236 53.8 269 30.8 191
Pre-tax profit ¥ bn 162.9 149 61.8 85.1 101.1 216 51.8 187 49.3 254
Net profit ¥ bn 137.1 182 50.7 108 86.4 254 47.0 181 39.4 418
Employees 000’s 28.80 (4.0) 28.80 (4.0) 28.80 (4.0) 28.80 (4.0) 28.80 (4.0)
Unit sales (Retail) 000’s 630 (8.3) 204 (16.7) 426 (3.6) 209 (1.4) 217 (5.7)
Japan 000’s 64 30.6 20 33.3 44 29.4 26 36.8 18 20.0
Nafta 000’s 97 (16.4) 34 (15.0) 63 (17.1) 28 (24.3) 35 (10.3)
Europe 000’s 52 (49.0) 19 (45.7) 33 (50.7) 13 (58.1) 20 (44.4)
Other 000’s 417 (0.7) 131 (15.5) 286 7.9 142 13.6 144 2.9
Per unit
Revenue ¥ mil 2.87 39.0 3.17 47.9 2.72 34.9 3.01 39.2 2.44 29.7
Operating profit ¥ mil 0.24 200 0.34 169.7 0.20 249 0.26 274 0.14 208
Pre-tax profit ¥ mil 0.26 172 0.30 122.3 0.24 228 0.25 191 0.23 275
Net profit ¥ mil 0.22 207 0.25 150.3 0.20 268 0.23 185 0.18 449
Per employee
Revenue ¥ mil 62.7 32.8 22.5 28.3 40.2 35.5 21.9 43.0 18.4 27.5
Operating profit ¥ mil 5.3 186 2.4 133.9 2.9 250 1.9 284 1.1 203
Pre-tax profit ¥ mil 5.7 160 2.1 92.8 3.5 229 1.8 199 1.7 269
Net profit ¥ mil 4.8 193 1.8 117.1 3.0 269 1.6 192 1.4 439
Sales units 21.9 (4.5) 7.1 (13.3) 14.8 0.4 7.3 2.7 7.5 (1.7)
Return on revenue
Operating profit % 8.5 4.6 10.7 4.8 7.3 4.5 8.6 5.4 5.8 3.4
Pre-tax profit % 9.0 4.4 9.5 3.2 8.7 5.1 8.2 4.3 9.3 6.1
Net profit % 7.6 4.2 7.8 3.2 7.5 4.7 7.5 3.8 7.4 5.7

For the year to March 2023, MMC is now anticipating a 22% rise in revenue to ¥2,480bn as wholesales rise by an anticipated 1.4%. Operating profit is forecast to rise by 95% to ¥170bn, a margin of 6.9%.

As noted above, favourable exchange rates play a major part in the improvement. At constant rates, forecast operating profit would drop by about 32%, as increased costs for raw materials and most other inputs are only partly offset by a richer mix, lower selling expense and higher volumes.




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