Car retail needs to ‘change the game’ through inclusive leadership


Automotive 30% Club chief executive and Gaia Innovation founder Julia Miur will lead an expert panel at AM Live to inspire delegates to make their car retail businesses a place where women can thrive.

The show is back in person at the NEC on November 11 and Muir’s panel is part of the headline Inspiration Theatre, which includes presentations that will invigorate delegates and deliver thought provoking ideas in a unique way, leaving those in attendance feeling inspired and with a fresh perspective on the year ahead.

The Automotive 30% Club is a voluntary network of CEOs and managing directors from across the UK with the target of filling at least 30% of key leadership positions within its organisations with diverse women by 2030.

The Club’s panel will feature an introduction by Muir who will explain how the leaders in the Automotive 30% Club are “changing the game” in the automotive sector, making their organisation a place where women can thrive, and reaping the business benefits.

Tom Kilroy, Keyloop chief executive, Rebecca Clark Auto Trader UK sales director, and Alison Fisher, Cox Automotive International HR director, will explain why their companies are Patron members of the Club and the action they are taking both within their organisations to improve diverse gender balance and to support the cross sector campaign.

Joining the Patrons on the panel from member companies will be Hannah Ltt, head of resourcing and inclusion at Motorpoint, who will talk about the progress being made with regards to improving diverse female representation.

Professor Jim SakerAM Awards judge and Institute for the Motor Industry (IMI) president, Professor Jim Saker, will also join the panel to explain why it is so important that this issue is addressed within the automotive sector.

The panel will be followed by a Q&A to prompt open discussion on the areas covered during the session.

Muir, who is also the author of Change the Game: the Leader’s Route Map to a Winning Gender-Balanced Business, said: “Business leaders are on a burning platform, facing significant disruption, and needing to transform their organisations and compete in the race for skills to attract high performing people.

“Business teams with a balance of diverse women and men make better decisions than homogenous teams, leading to superior financial performance.

“This is due to their different but complementary insight, perspectives and propensity for risk.

“The Automotive 30% Club membership is growing at a fast pace, and they are taking action to establish the sector as employers of choice for diverse women.

“These inclusive leaders are giving more focus to gender balance, women’s inclusion and diversity.”

The Automotive 30% Club panel at AM Live is just one of the 12 presentations across the packed schedule on the day across three theatre areas, including Operational Excellence, Digital and Inspiration.

The full agenda for AM Live is available to view online and for more information and to book your free place visit




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