Russia H1/June sales increase sharply


Russia sales of new cars and light commercial vehicles increased by 36.9% in the first half of the year and by 28.7% in June, 2021.

In the first half of 2021, sales of new cars and LCVs in the country rose 37%, compared to the same period in 2020 or by 234,790 sold units and amounted to 870,749 cars, according to the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee (AEB AMC).

Among them: LCVs – 50,936 pcs or 5.8% SUVs – 399,822 pcs. or 45.9% Pick-ups – 4,223 pcs or 0,5% BEV (Battery Electric vehicles) – 552 PCs. In June, 2021, sales of new cars and light commercial vehicles in Russia increased by 28.7% compared to June, 2020 or by 35,186 sold units, and amounted to 157,808 cars, according to the AEB AMC.

“In June, 2021, 157,808 PCs and LCVs were sold, which is 28.7% more than in June, 2020 and also +9.8% as compared to June, 2019,” said AEB AMC chairman, Thomas Staertzel.

“In the first half year, 2021, 870,749 cars were sold; an increase of 36.9% versus the same period of the previous year and 5.1% versus 2019. As earlier stated, the market shows better dynamics than expected.

“Postponement of the disposal fee increase supported the market and helped slowing cars prices increase. The COVID-19 situation is worsening, but we hope we manage to escape a complete lockdown.

“Despite the difficulties with the semiconductor supply and metal prices increase, we believe to prevent a drop down in 2021 sales and we will see corrections in the months to come. The Committee has a positive outlook of this year [‘s] market development and, as announced, updates its annual sales forecast: in 2021, 1,756 k passenger cars and light commercial vehicles will be sold, which is 9.8% higher than [the] previous year.

“This means, we have corrected our forecast from 2.1% to 9.8% increase.”

Monthly data does not include sales results of BMW and Mercedes-Benz brands.

Semi-annual sales data include sales results of BMW and Mercedes-Benz brands.



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