Continental uses supercomputer for tyre research


Continental, the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon in France, have received a grant worth 43m core hours of supercomputer time for their joint basic research project.

The project, which aims to drive fundamental understanding of tyre and road wear particles, has been in existence since 2014.

Its goal is to learn more about the decomposition of rubber polymers to better understand the wear behaviour of tyres.

The associated simulations of the behaviour of complex polymer structures are time-consuming. For this reason, the project partners applied for the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) initiative. With the digital computing power granted, they now have the opportunity to perform polymer simulations in greater depth and on a broader scale.

“With the help of the supercomputer, we can for the first time perform comprehensive simulations on molecular level,” said head of Materials, Process Development and Industrialisation of the Tyres business area at Continental,” Andreas Topp.

“The results of this basic research will contribute to a more complete understanding of the formation of tyre and road wear particles and enable us to design the materials we use for tyre construction even more sustainably in the future.”

The support comes in the form of access to the 9.4 petaflops Joliot-Curie supercomputer at the CEA’s Very Large Computing Centre (TGCC) in Bruyères-le-Châtel, France. With its performance of 1,000 trillion calculations per second, it is one of the fastest supercomputers in the European Union.

Supercomputers are used in science today, in addition to theory and experiment, to simulate particularly large and complex data sets so they can be evaluated efficiently afterwards. Continental also uses supercomputers, for example, to develop future technologies in assisted, automated and autonomous driving.

Continental says many issues about tyre and road wear particles remain unresolved.

“In recent years, we have systematically invested in the research and development of new, sustainable production processes as well as materials to make future tyres even more energy-efficient and sustainable,” added head of Materials Technology Research and Development of the Tyres business area at Continental, Peter Zmolek.

“Such processes are technologically very demanding and require a fundamental understanding of the tyre material at various levels.

“Our joint research project combines calculation methods and innovative experimental approaches that give us a comprehensive understanding of the behaviour of currently used materials. This technical knowledge is an important reference point, especially when evaluating new materials in terms of their ability to further reduce rolling resistance and tyre wear, as well as providing a fundamental understanding of how to recycle polymer chains from end-of-life tyres.”

Optimum grip in any traffic situation is a key function of tyres. Grip enables safety, for example when accelerating and braking. The transmission of power during this process results in combined wear particles from the material of the tyre tread and the road surface.

Continental’s aim is to minimise the effect of tyre and road wear particles on the environment by improved tyre design.

Continental is aiming, by 2050 at the latest, to gradually transition to 100% sustainably produced materials in its tyre products. The supplier is a member of various organisations, projects and initiatives which are researching the topic of tyre and road wear, as well as being in dialogue with international institutions, national agencies and other industry sectors.

For example, the tyre manufacturer is a founding member of the Tyre Industry Project (TIP), which drives research into the potential impacts of tyres on the environment throughout their life cycle.



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